Уважаемые коллеги! Дорогие друзья! Для меня большая честь приветствовать вас на втором Национальном Конгрессе с международным участием «Лабораторные технологии в репродуктивной медицине и неонатологии: от науки к практике»!
Ежегодный Конгресс пройдёт уже во второй раз и вновь объединит врачей разных специальностей, которые готовы решать самые серьёзные задачи, направленные на улучшение репродуктивного здоровья женщин и здоровья детей. Мероприятие состоится в ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии имени академика В.И. Кулакова» Минздрава России, который сегодня задаёт основные тренды в вопросах решения проблем материнства и детства.
По итогам первого Конгресса стала очевидна необходимость объединения врачей клинических специальностей со специалистами в области лабораторной диагностики — молекулярными и клеточными биологами, генетиками, цитологами и патоморфологами, врачами клинико-лабораторной диагностики и микробиологами.
На Конгрессе будут представлены современные достижения молекулярной медицины и генетики, скрининговые программы в охране здоровья матери и будущего ребёнка, новейшие клинические и лабораторные технологии в диагностике массивных акушерских кровотечений; подробно будут освещаться проблемы инфекций в акушерстве-гинекологии и неонатологии. Отдельная секция посвящена изучению микробиома матери и ребенка с применением новейших молекулярных технологий и его роли в этиологии и патогенезе различных соматических заболеваний.
II Национальный Конгресс с международным участием «Лабораторные технологии в репродуктивной медицине и неонатологии: от науки к практике» является частью огромной междисциплинарной работы в решении общих сложных репродуктивных задач. Будем рады видеть вас на втором ежегодном мероприятии. Уверен, что, объединив усилия, мы сможем решать самые серьёзные задачи.
ГЕННАДИЙ ТИХОНОВИЧ СУХИХ Директор ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр акушерства, гинекологии и перинатологии имени академика В.И. Кулакова» Минздрава России, академик РАН
Уважаемые участники II Национального Конгресса с международным участием «Лабораторные технологии в репродуктивной медицине и неонатологии: от науки к практике»!
Приветствую вас на ежегодном Национальном Конгрессе, который объединяет специалистов, решающих проблемы репродукции человека и работающих в сфере акушерской и гинекологической помощи. Сегодня сложно представить площадку, на которой одновременно собрались бы ведущие акушеры-гинекологи, неонатологи и педиатры, клинические и лабораторные генетики, микробиологи, цитологи и патоморфологи, дерматовенерологи, урологи и андрологии, клинические фармакологи и эпидемиологи. Улучшение демографической ситуации является одним из ключевых направлений национального проекта «Здоровье». Перед врачами нашей страны стоит серьёзная задача, повышения качества оказания медицинской помощи при охране материнства и детства, которую можно решать более эффективно, объединяя усилия.
Уже сегодня видно, что мы добились больших успехов в вопросах снижения материнской, младенческой и ранней неонатальной смертности, увеличения выживаемости недоношенных новорождённых. Повысилась доступность и качество медицинской помощи матери и ребёнку. Но было бы неправильно говорить только об успехах, важно знать и проблемы, которые сегодня стоят перед нами. Примерно каждая шестая пара в России сегодня страдает бесплодием. В наших силах изменить эту ситуацию. Стремительное развитие лабораторных технологий, а также автоматизация, информатизация и централизация этих процессов позволяет более быстро и точно решать клинические задачи.
Конгресс объединит всех специалистов, от чьей работы зависит успешное решение вопросов улучшения демографии в России. Понимание необходимости перемен, а также обмен опытом и знаниями станут новым шагом в процессе модернизации российской лабораторной службы. Желаю всем участникам II Национального Конгресса с международным участием «Лабораторные технологии в репродуктивной медицине и неонатологии: от науки к практике» продуктивной и интересной работы.
СЕРГЕЙ АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ КРАЕВОЙ Заместитель Министра здравоохранения Российской Федерации
About the Congress
20 december 2019
Registration opens
20 december 2019
Acceptance of abstracts and e-poster presentations starting
20 february 2020
The deadline for the acceptance of abstracts
24 february 2020
The deadline for the e-poster presentations
9 march 2020
Registration closes on the website
11-13 march 2020
Dates of the Congress
The Main Aim of the Congress
Is to establish and maintain a dialogue among clinicians and researches in the field of reproductive medicine and neonatology.
Why this is a significant event for clinicians and laboratory practitioners?
Modern science-intensive diagnostic methods aimed at examining a couple before a planned pregnancy, as well as laboratory support for pregnancy, childbirth and the perinatal period, significantly reduce the risks of adverse pregnancy outcomes and contribute to the birth of healthy children. However, at the same time, there are a number of difficulties when doctors prescribe tests and interpret the results of laboratory tests. Dialogue between clinical and paraclinic departments is a continuous process of cooperation between specialists in reproductive medicine, neonatology, laboratory diagnostics and medical microbiologists. This strategic goal is served by the national Congress with international participation "Laboratory technologies in reproductive medicine and neonatology: from science to practice".
Reasons to participate 1. A Unique Congress which unites different specialties: obstetrician-gynaecologists, neonatologists, pediatricians, urologists, dermato-venereologists, doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics, bacteriologists, virologists, mycologists, molecular biologists, pathologists, health care organizers, biotechnologists, epidemiologists
2. Participation in the II National Congress with international participation is free of charge
3. Scientific sections, panel discussions and round tables on various topics of the Congress will be held on March 12 and 13, 2020. On the first day of the Congress — March 11, delegates will be given the opportunity to develop practical skills in the format of "Master classes".
Screening programs for maternal and child health
Clinical and laboratory technologies in the diagnosis of massive obstetric bleeding
Microbiome and reproductive health
Infections in obstetrics-gynecology and neonatology
PCR diagnostics: new age and new opportunities
Mass spectrometry and chromatography in solving medical problems
Features of preanalytics of laboratory studies in pregnant women and newborns
Quick tests ("point of care") in reproduction and neonatology
Antibiotics and chemotherapy
Probiotics and bacteriophages
Promising developments of domestic laboratory technologies in diagnostics and therapy
National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
The Research Centre of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perinatology is the leading scientific, medical and educational institution of Russia in the area of obstetrics, gynaecology and perinatology studying issues of women's and men's reproductive health. National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov of Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation is a modern research and scientific treatment and consultative and production centre that based on the traditions of scientific schools, close connection with the fundamental and applied science and using cutting edge innovative medical technologies provides quality and efficient medical services to patients with obstetrics, gynaecology and endocrine conditions, as well as female and male infertility.
Address: Moscow, Akamedika Oparina Street, 4
Due to the unified scientific approaches and solid practical experience the centre also efficiently provides any types of medical aid to the newborns, including premature neonates and newborns with the body weight less than 1,000 g; the centre successfully prevents and eliminates adverse implications of inborn and perinatal pathologies.
The quality policy of the Centre is focused on satisfaction of needs and meeting expectations of patients in line with legal requirements and medical service standards.
Konkovo metro station Last wagon from the centre, turn left after you exit from the metro, turn right at the end of the passage, turn left to get outside. Buses No. 295, 145, 712, 827 minibus taxi No. 361 to the stop "Nauchny tsentr akusherstva i ginekology". The travel will take about 7 minutes. Please note: buses and taxis can be stopped from Ostrovityanova Street. In order not to get lost in the medical town, you should go to the gate on Oparina Street!
Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station First wagon from the centre, turn right after you exit from the metro. Bus No. 718, minibus taxi No. 361 to the stop "Tsentr okhrany zdorovya materi i rebenka". The travel will take about 10-15 minutes.
Dear participants, to ensure your comfortable stay in Moscow we have prepared the most useful information both for those who come to the city for the first time, and for its frequent guests.
Travelling from airports to the city
Moscow metro and cost of trips there, you can also download the interactive metro map and mobile application
Useful telephone numbers
Sheremetievo international airport Aeroexpress Aeroexpress high-speed trains depart from the Belorussky railway station every 35-40 minutes. Travel time: 30-40 minutes
Public Transport Buses and minibus taxi depart from the airport to the Rechnoy vokzal, Planernaya metro stations. Travel time: 40-50 minutes
Domodedovo International Airport Aeroexpress Aeroexpress high-speed trains depart from the Paveletsky railway station every 30-40 minutes. Travel time: 40-50 minutes
Electric train From Domodedovo airport to Moscow-Paveletskaya with all stops. Travel time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Public Transport Modern buses Scania, Man, Mercedes and minibus taxi travel without stops from the airport to the Domodedovo metro station. Travel time: 40-60 minutes
Vnukovo International Airport Aeroexpress Aeroexpress high-speed trains depart from the Kievsky railway station every hour. Travel time: 35-40 minutes
Public transport Buses and minibus taxi depart from the airport to the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station every 10-20 minutes. Travel time: 30-40 minutes
Working hours: All stations of the Moscow metro are open for entrance and change from one line to another daily from 05:30 till 01:00.
Travel cost with a limited number of travels Ediny (Uniform) ticket for 1 and 2 trips is valid during 5 days after sale (including the day of sale). 1 trip - 55 rub. 2 trips - 110 rub.
Unlimited Unlimited Ediny (Uniform) tickets for 1 and 3 days are valid from the moment of first use, the ticket must be activated within 10 days after sale (including the day of sale). 1 day - 230 rub. 3 days - 438 rub.
Buses Moscow's bus fleet has comfortable buses, providing conditions for comfortable boarding of passengers, including disabled people. It also produce comfortable travel conditions by providing air conditioning in the hot season and heating in the cold. Working hours: from 05:30 till 01:00 Travel cost: 1 trip – 55 rub
Trams The tram is considered to be one of the most convenient types of transport, as its operation is virtually unaffected by the traffic flow. Working hours: from 05:30 till 01:00 Travel cost: 1 trip – 55 rub
Trolleybuses Almost all models of trolleybuses have a large capacity, three degrees of lighting and improved ventilation. Working hours: from 05:30 till 00:30 Travel cost: 1 trip – 55 rub
112 – uniform emergency telephone 101 - fire service 102 - police 103 - ambulance +7 (499) 978-4624 – loss of documents +7 (495) 622-2085 – things left in the metro
National Medical Research Centre of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakov of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russan Federation
Research Institute of obstetrics, gynecology and reproduction. D.O. Otta
The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation
Federal state budgetary institution «Center for strategic planning and management of medical and biological health risks»
Association of laboratory service specialists and organizations «Federation of laboratory medicine»
With the support of
With the support of
With the support of
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
With the support of
Russian society of neonatologists
All-Russian scientific and practical society of epidemiologists, microbiologists and Parasitologists
Russian society of obstetricians and gynecologists
Association of bacteriologists
National Association of infection control specialists (NAIC)
With the participation
With the participation
With the participation
With the participation
With the participation
The Interregional Association for Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (IACMAC)
With the participation
With the participation
Russian society of medical geneticists (ROMG)
Association of medical geneticists (AMG)
Alliance of microbiologists and chemotherapists
Association of Russian manufacturers of clinical laboratory diagnostics
Association of clinical cytologists of Russia (ACCR)
With the participation
With the participation
With the participation
With the participation
With the participation
With the participation
Autonomous non-commercial organization of additional professional education "Institute of laboratory medicine"